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Top 11% of all Coldwell
Banker Agents Internationally


It’s a major decision to sell your home.

Housing market conditions, finances, home condition and other factors all
play into the decision. We can provide you with accurate market research
to help in your decision. Just ask us for our complete free listing packet with
thorough market research and our proven action plan to sell you home.
Based on the Mike Ferry method this approach sold more homes in the last
forty years in North America than any other.


Go To Market

Going to market to find buyers for your home is what we do.

Professional photography, online and social media launch to our 14,000+ monthly followers and Coldwell Banker’s network of 56,000,000 viewers and some traditional “gum shoe” sales tactics to reach as many qualified buyers as we can. And better yet, we update you weekly - at a minimum - to review our results, feedback an market actions.


Once an offer is received...

We work closely with you to negotiate the price and move through the
closing process and delivering you your check on time and smoothly.